Medical Billing Specialties

Medical Billing Specialities

With specialty-focused billing teams skilled in ICD-10 coding rules and protocols, our medical billing services increase reimbursements. We also customize your EHR to align with the workflows of your medical specialty.

Laboratory Billing

General Practice Billing

Dermatology Billing

Pediatrics Billing

Surgery Billing

Internal Medicine Billing

Occupational Therapy

Vascular Surgery Billing

Speech Therapy Billing

Physical Therapy Billing

Psychiatry Billing

Radiology Billing

Plastic Surgery Billing

Physiotherapy Billing

Pathologists Billing

Pain Management Billing

Ophthalmology Billing

Gastroenterology Billing

Oncology Billing

Neurology Billing

Neonatology Billing

Mental Health Billing

Infectious Disease Billing

Hepatology Billing

Hematology Billing

Geriatrics Billing

Otolaryngology Billing

Dentistry Billing

ENT Billing

Gynecologist Billing

DME Billing

ABA Therapy